We have a young energetic and forward-thinking team with combined experience of 14 years on offset Printing & Packaging, Advertisement, POP, POSM, Event Management, Metallic items, Interior & Exterior, outdoor advertising, Stationery Items, Importer of Raw Materials & Machineries Suppliers . Our wide experience and resources enable us to provide better and high quality services and valuable working environment. We have the latest and fastest technology which is a big concern at present world to win the race in the competitive market, which eventually enable our customers to win. We have done such & Innovative Activities for our valuable clients.
Mission, Vission & Values
Delivering the quality product by getting customer satisfaction & implementing new ideas, technologies and strategies to make branding as an art, Images Ltd. always gives its best effort to show something dynamic in front of its valuable clients which help them to grow their business and realize their marketing goals. Images Ltd. is constantly focusing on innovating something.
Delivering results-oriented brand marketing programs and public relations campaigns that enhance our clients’ awareness, improve their sales and foster their growth, We are committed to providing products and services that benefit our clients.
We are responsible, accountable, respectful, effective
we promote honesty, integrity, and openness in all we do
We encourage innovation to meet challenges
We foster an environment of collaboration
Message from Honorable Chairman
Images Group has been working relentlessly and with utmost dedication towards delivering products & services to our valued clients.
I would like to convey my gratitude towards the employees & staff of Images Group for their hard work and devotion for the organization. I would also like to show appreciation towards our loyal client’s for entrusting us with their requirements of products and services and also staying with us throughout our journey since inception. We, also give priority and focus to the social and economic development of the country.
I sincerely wish and pray for greater success and prosperity of our clients and also of our own “Images Group”.
Message from Honorable Managing Director
We, Images Group, hereby believe that our organization must access in the lives of our people meaningfully & for our society. It has been serving as a trusted Event Activition, Interior-Exterior Solution Provider, POP, POSM, Expert-Creative Design, Transport, Furniture, Real Estate, Offset Printing, Packaging & Digital Printing since 2006.
There are thirteen companies have been Operating in Bangladesh as sister concern of Images Group. In the year of 2020, our turnover was about BDT. 657 Crore (Taka) which is to be increased BDT. 781 Crore (Taka) in the year of 2021. Our actual opportunity & strength comes from our perseverance, commitment & service to our most valuable clients. We believe in growing our organization while we try to ensure the best quality & desired service everywhere we have been operating.
Images Group believes on very simple philosophy which only focuses of our valued clients’ needs that are native & multinational both. We honor our commitment to all of our valued clients. We take this opportunity to express our sincerity honesty & perseverance. We would like to thanks to our valued clients, suppliers, and everyone who interacted (Top-Bottom) with the company in conducting this organization. We are grateful to them for extending regularly by their valuable supports and co-operation to bring the company to the level it has been reached today. The success we have achieved so far was only possible because of the collective efforts of all concerned. In-sha-Allah, We will create new possibilities by enhancing value, improving social returns and having contribution to national economy, Wealth for nation & to be helpful for our Society!